Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

TothekEJD .the Apoftlefhew.s how a man fhould be quallifiecl thlt is made a 'Deacon, verf.89Jo,i 1,12. how a Widctow fhou Id be qualified who is to be taken into that number,Chap.5.verf.9. o. and how a Bilbop or Elderfbould be qualified, Cap. 3. but though he fet down many particulars of the qualifications of a man fit for that Office, yet not one word of thefe Extraor. dinary Gifts, plainly (peaking this truth , That thofegifts are not of the Efence of a Mintfier ofthe Gornel. Yea, where do we find, That thofe ordinary Elders chofen in the Apoftles time, r3. Tit. I. were endued with fuch Gifts? Apoilles and Evangelifis, who were extraordinary Officers , and not to continue,had thofe Gifts,we read they had them; but where do we read,That the ordinary Elders, who were to continue, had thefeextraordinary Gifts of the holy Ghoft conftantly ? We find that Baptifme was adminifired to thofe perfons who had none of thefe Gifts, All. 8. 15, 16, 17. That the Lords Supper was adminifired to ChriftsDifciples before the holy Ghefl, in thofe gifts,fell upon them. Mat. 26. And that the Churches Cenfure requires no fuch gifts, Mat. 18. Now therefore if the Ordinances may be received without them, and they are not of the Effence of the Miniftry, why fhould any man think that the Ordinances of jefus Chrift do fo hang upon thefe, that if thefe be wanting,the Ordinances cannot be ufed or adminifired ? And as for the Lords day ( which is called the Lords day, as the Lords Supper is,becaufe ofthe Lords appointment and Inftitution ) who doth not fee how the power of godlineffe hath grown and thriven under the droppings thereof ? What Nation, or Kingdom is there under all the Heavens, where the Power of godlineffe bath flourifhed more then in Eng- land ? Why ? ( not excluding other reafons of Gods Grace and Free love to,us ) but becaufe the Lords day bath lived more Inflitution-wife in England, then in any other part of the World ; and what gracious man is there in all this Nati- on, who may not rife up and fay to this day, Blefed art thou amon,,oft the days ofthe Wee , my Soul doth ; yea, and all Gene- rations fall call thee blefed. The