Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

To theft ill) 6R. The other Sermon is about Crowe and Gifts ; The Excellen- cy ofGraceand Love above Gifts : Whereunto we Thal .do wel that we take heed, for if our gifts do wax wanton , theywil defpife Ordinances, and kick againfl Grace it felf,Which they have the more caufe to nourifh, becaufe they live plentiful- ly under the roof of Grace : happy is theman whofe gifts do cherifh his graces, and whofe graces do produce gifts ; and as diverfities ofgifts should not make us difagree or envy one another, but rather bind us in love to one another, fo extra- ordinary enjoyments should not draw us from ordinary means, but quicken up our hearts thereunto : as if God do marvelouflybleffe us without Prayer, and we be driven the more unto Prayer by it, then,tis of God and his love; but if it caufe us to leave or negleaPrayer, then it is perilous.Now thefe are perilous times, for they are the 'aft times ; where- fore goodReader, let us defire rather to have plain Grace, then fine Gifts ; for this is the more excellent way. I have not had fo much time to perufe thefe two Sermons as I would,for the Notes Raid a very littl while in my hands; but I find they are agreeable to what I delivered in Preach- ing, whereunto I have made fome little Addition. The Title and Frontifpiece I left to my Friends who defired the Prin- ting : the mending of fome Preffe-faults, I mull leave to the Penof the Reader. Now the good Lord himfelf, who hath often refrefhed, our Souls with the fenfe of his love in Chrift Jefus, keep all our feet in his ways, and grant that we may hold fall what we have, left another take our Crown. Yours in the golleiofour Lordjef WIL. BRIDGE.