Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

elfVindication ofOrdinances. Again ; You may obferve,That whenhe faith at the r7.v. Think not that Iam cone to deftroy the La* or the Prophets , I am not come to defiroy,but to fulfil: Thofe words (according to the Original ) may be read thus, I am not come to defiroy, but to fill up ; for though Chrift added nothing unto the ten. Commandements or Moral Law, yet notwithitanding, he did more fully reveal and make known whatwas, and is therein commanded ; for our Lord and Savior Chrift, did not barely fpeak againft the falfe gloffes and Interpretations of the Jews, and Jewifh Rabbins ; for he-inftanceth in the words ofMofes, and of the Law it felf. It hathbeenfaid by them,Thou Jbalt not commit Adultery r but Ifay,Whoever loo- keth upon a woman to luft,&c. What then, were not unclean, thoughts forbidden by the Law, and in Moles time ? Yes : but when Chrift came, he doth more fully and cleerly re- veal what was before commanded and forbidden in the Law ; and fo though he bathmade no new addition to the Law, yet in this refpea he bath (as it were) made tome ad- vanceupon the very Moral Law, the ten Commandements ; and herein we are to hearken to him this great Prophet, by acknowledging, receiving, and fubmitting unto thefe com- mands thus opened and Interpreted by him. But now ifyou look upon the Pofitive Precepts or Corn- mandements ofChrift, you Thal find, that Jefus Chrill hath given forth many that were not given forth in the times-of. Mofes, or of the Old Teflament. For in the times of the- Old Teftament, Circumcifion was, nowBaptifm is : then, the Paffover, now the Lords Supper : then their Minifters were Priells and Levites, now Paftors and Teachers : then' the whole Nation of the Jews a Church, now as men do Be- leeve they are added to the Church : then ifany man did, fin prefumptuoufly , he was to be cut off by the Sword from among the people, now to be cut off by the Cenfures of the Church. So that I fay, if you look upon the Pofi- tive Precepts, there are many that are now given forth by. Chrill, which were not given forth before in the times of Mofes, and of the OldTeftament,an.d thefeiall thefewe are to