Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

,Q1Vindicationof°rd inaiices to receive, to acknowledge, and to fubmit unto, and herein to hearken to this great Prophet. But it will be granted on all hands , That there are many Appointments,Inftitutions, and Ordinances which were gi- ven forth by this great Prophet in the times ofthe New Te- (lament: but theQueftion is,Whether thefe are to continue fill or no ? We grant indeed,that there were fuch Appoint- ments in Chrifis own time, and in the Apoftles time ; for the people of thofe times, and of that generation : but the Queflion is, Whether thefe fill are to continue, and whe- ther fill we are to fubmit, to receive, and to acknowledge thefe Appointments ; and fo whether fill we art to hear- ken unto Chrifherein ? For Anfwer hereunto : Obferve I pray, the laying of Chrifts Appointments, Inflitutions, and Ordinances. If they be laid and prefl upon univerfal and perpetual grounds, then they are fill to continue. Now you fhall find, that thefe Appointments, Inflitutions, and Ordinances ofChrift, Baptifm, the Lords Supper, Particular Churches, the lyliniffry , Church Cenfurs Singing of Pfalmes, and the like, are laid upon fuch univerfal and perpetu- al grounds, as to continue until Chrifts coming a- gain. I fhall touch a little upon thereParticulars, and prove the thing firft by way ofenumeration. As for that of Particular Churches You find in the Book of the Revelation,tha Chrift fpeaks of things to come after john's time who lived the longeft of all the Apoftles : at the firft Chapter, and the firft verfe thus : The Revelation of yefits Chrifi Which Godgave unto him, to Phew unto his firvants things which mg fhortly come topair. And in the 4 Chapter and the latter end of the a verfe, faith the Lord Chrift to yohn, I WillPhew thee things Which mug be hereafter. Now in the firf Chapter he gives him a Vifion of the Son of man walking between the fevers golden Candleflicks : and he tells us at the WI Verfe, That thofe feven golden Candle- flicks, are the (even Churches : (hewing, That thus Chri ft B z would