findicatiorrofOrdinances. would appear unto his people in the way of Churches af- ter john's time, in the times that were to come. And fo in the clofe of the Book of the Revelation, after he had fpoken of all things that fhould come to paffe, faith he at the 16. verfe, Ihavefent mine Angel to teftifle untoyou thefe things in the Churches. Not in the Church in general, but in the Churches. And if ye look into the &ft Epiftle of Timothy, ye fhall find, that the. Apoftle Paul having given direIions, and feveral Precepts concerningBifhops, Elders, Deacons, VViddows , and about the ordering of the houfe of God ( which'faith he, is the Church of God ) he concludes all with a foletnn Charge, Chap.6.VerfI 3. Igive thee Charge in thefight ofGod, andbefore 7cfm. Chrifi,That thoukeep the Com- mandement ( not this, but the Commandement, according to the old Tranflation, and the Original Greek ) without ffrot, unrebukable until the appearing of our Lord elit-s Chrift : Which appearing, cloth fynchronize with the judging of the quick anddead,. 2 Tim. Chap. 4, Verf. I. but Timothy him- felf cloth not live fo long, and therefore this Charge lies up- on every Minifler and others refpetively, for fo indeed the Charge is directed to the manof God, Chapter 6. Verfe who by the fame Apoille is interpreted to be every Minifter. E ap. 3 .verf. 7. So that the ordering ofGods houfe by Bifhops, or Elders, Deacons, and Widdows,is ftil to con- tinue, and therefore particular Churches and Congregations for publick Worfhip shill to continue. As for theMinifby, you know what the Apoftle faith in the 4 Chapter to the Ephefians, at the II verfe, fpeaking of Chrift, Hegave fume, Apollles : force, Prophets fame, Evan- gelifis : and force, Pafiors and Teachers;: for the perfe£1ingof the Saints, for the workof the , for the edifying of the body ofChrifl. Well, but how long are thefe to continue ? reade the 13 verfe. Till We allcome in the unity ofthe Faith,and ofthe knowledge ofthe SonofGod, unto a perfeFt man , unto the meafure of the(attire ofthefmlnefs of Chrift. And I pray, are we yet come unto this Condition ? It may be force particular man will dare to fay it, that he himfelf is come unto this condition,