viFinclicatioxofOrclinitiae51 condition, this ftature of thefulnefs of Chrift; butmark what theApofile faith, till we:all colme in the unity of the ...._ Faith. Whata world of differences in Faith are there now amongft us ? but faith the Apoible,Thefe Offices ofthe Mi- niftry, are to continue till we rdi come ; not till one man comes, or twomen come, but till we all come unto the uni- ty'of the Faith ; that is not yet come to pals, and therefore the Miniftry is ifill to continue ; neither can it be faid ,That this unity of Faith is to be underftood of theDothine of Faith ; for that were to fay,That the Minillry were to con- tinue till the Doctrines and Rules for the Miniftry were gi- ven out,and then to ceafe : And if ye look into the 68.Pfal. from whence thefe words are cited ; ye Thai find at the i 8. yeti: that Chrift hath given thefe gifts, That the Lord God might dWel amongit men. As if there were noabode or dwel- ling for God amongft men, *without thefe gifts ; and have we not need flil,thatGod fhoulddwel amongft us? yea,and doth not God (till dwel amongfl us ? As for Baptiftne; you know what our Lord and Savior Chrift faid to his Difciples,Mat.z8.19.Go teachall ATations, baptizing thent. I do not infift upon thofe words, Lo, I am with you until the endof the World, though that will carry it ; but I pray you mark thofe words, Go teach all Nations,bapti- zing them. So that all Nations are to be Taught &Baptitiked: Baptifm therefore; is not to end till all Nations be taught and baptized ; and is that done ? reade what is faid in the 24. ofMatthe*, at the 1.4. verf. And this G eel of the King- dom fbal be Preached in all the world, for a witnefs unto all Na- tions,and then foal the endcome. But the end is not yet come ; when the Gofpel is preachigtunto al Nations, thenThal the end come ; but the end is not yet come, therefore the Go- fpel Rill is to be preached unto the Nations, and they to be Baptized, and fo this Ordinance of Baptifm is to continue ftill. As for that of the LordsSapper; ye knowwhat the Apo- ftle faith, As oft as ye eate, &c. re flewforth the Lords death till he come. That cannot be underflood of the comingof the