Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Vinclicatior40rdinartees. the Spirit ; for fo'he was come in the Apofties time. But ifye look into the ft&of theCorinthians,and the r I.Chap.. ter;ye Thal fee what a reafon the Apoftle gives,why he gave out the Lords Supper unto the Corinthians, and why they were to receive it ; even fuch a reafon as reacheth unto us as wel as to the Corinthians, faith he at the 23. verf. For I have receivedof the Lord, that which alfo I delivereduntoyou hat the Lord yefta, the fame night in Which he Was betraied, T tookbread, &c. He makes, this the reafon why he gaveforth the Lords Supper unto the Corinthians, and why they were to receive it, Even becaufe that the Lord Jefus Chrift did give it to his Difciples in the night when he was betraied, and becaufe he had thus received of the Lord, &c. Now I appeal unto` any man, Is not this reafon as good a reafon uponus, as upon the Corinthians ? If indeed the Apoftle had made this the reafon, I have received a meffage from Chrift, That you Corinthians fhould receive the Lords Sup- per, then this reafon had not bound us as well as them, but the reafon that he gives of this difpenfation, reacheth to us as well as them, and therfore to continue amongft us as it was ufed amongft them. As for the Cenfures ofthe Church, in cafe that any do of- fend,and continue fcandaloufly andobltinately in their fin; Ye snowwhat our Savior faith ,in the 18. of Matthew, Tell it unto the Church : but ifhe negleft to hear the Cloorch,let him be unto thee as a heathen man, and apublican. Now if you look upon the verfes before and after this text, ye fbal find that they all do bind us. Verf. Jo. Take heed that ye deffiife not one of theft little ones r that flill continues. So after this text, Peter came unto Chrifi and yid, Lord,bow oft (hall my brotherfin againfi me and Iforgive him ? yefmfaith unto him, I fay unto thee, Not till fevers times, but untillfeventy times fiven times, verfe 21. yea, look upon the whole Chapter, and the other verfes thereof, and ye find, that they do Rill bind us and continue upon us, Why therefore not this alfo, which you have at the 17. verfe ? And if we mind the r Car. S. Chap. we may fee that the Apoftle Paul cloth argue