Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

. virrindicattonofOrdinances, argue this Cenfur\e of the Church, from univerfal, perpetu- al, and moral grounds ; Caff out therefore the old leaven, why ? becaufe a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. As for Singing ofPia/noes : You knowwhat is faid con- cerningour Savior Chrift and his Difctples when they had received the Supper, Alat.26. 3 o. Andwhen they hadfling an Hymn,they went iout.It wain ufual prat ice among the Jews after the Paffover, to fing anHymn : our Savior Chrift did receive the Paffover then, but he did not fing a Pfalm, or Hymn between the Paffover and the Lords Supper, but he takes the Hymn and removes it from following the Paffo- ver, and hangs it upon the Lords Supper , to thew that it should be a New Teflament Ordinance. And they ailfang : for thofe that went out did fing , and when they had fung an Hymn they all went out. And theyall fang together : For if one of them only did fing, then either our Lord and Savior Chrift alone did fing, or fome 'one of his Difciples did ling alone : our. Lord and SaviorChrifl did not fing alone, for the Evangelift would have told us fo : yohn tels us, That our Savior Prayed then, and he fets down his Prayer in the 17 of yohn; and faith he, he Prayed, and helaid, Father, glorifie thy Son, d-c. So if Tung had f alone;, yohn or fome other Evangelift, would havefaiIthat he fung, and would have given us his Pfalm which he fung, as well as his Prayer which he Pray- ed : Neither can it be faid, That they all lung, becaufe they did all confent unto what he did. : for they confented unto his Preaching, to the Miracles _which he wrought, and to his Prayer which he made ; yet it's not faid, They wrought this or that Miracle,when he wrought it ; or that they Prea- ched,when he Preached; or that they Prayed,when he Pray- ed alone : .yea,where do we find in all the New Testament; that they are faid to do any thing that Chriff did alone : furely therefore he did not fing here alone, for it's laid, And When they hadfang, &c. Nor did one of his Difciples fing a- lone; for to that kind of Pinging two gifts are required, the gifts of Prophefie,wherby a man is able to fpeak in the Con- grega-