,eifVindicationofOrdinanus. gregationto the benefit of thewhole body ; and the melo- dious gift of tinging. Now thole gifts were not yet given, for Chrift was not yet dead and afcended, and therefore one of the Difciples did not ling alone ; and if Chrift did not ling alone, nor one of his Difciples alone then they all fang together. I but if they did all ling togethof: how could it be to e- dification ? For we reade in the:3 of the Cdonians, that the Apofile faies thus, Let the word ofChrift dwelin you richly in all wifdom,teaching,and admonifhing one another in Pfalms,and Hymns, andjpiritualfonts. How can we teach and admonifh oneAnother, if we fing all together ? Ifa Difciple do fing alone, he may teach and adrnonifh the refl. For AnfWer to that, I that but acquaint you with the mif-readingof the words ; look upon the words in the 16 verf. and the very right reading will take off this and o- ther fcruples. The words are to be read thus, Let the Word of Chrift dwelinyou richly in all wz:felom, teaching andadmoni- !Ging one another : {there's the flop) In Pfalms, and Hymns, and ipiritualfongs,fin4ing with grace inyour hearts to theLord. The words do not run thus, Let the Word of Chrift dwel in you richly in all Wifdom , teaching and admonifbing one another in Pfalrns ( flopping there ) but in the Greek and Original, the words run thus, Let the word of Clorilk dwel inyou richly in all wifdom teaching and admonifhing one another : (there's the flop) In Pfalms , and Hymns,and ffiiritu- al Songs, fingingwith grace inyour hearts to the Lord. And thus there is a better fenfe of the words too , and a greater dependanceof things together. So that I fay, our Lord and Savior Chrift and his Difciples did all fing together. And if they all fung together at the Supper,why fhould not his praaice be a Rule to us as well as his receiving the Sup- per a Rule to us ; as it is preffed by the Apoftle in that, Cor.it . if Chrift could fing thus with the Difciples with- out flinting the Spirit in whom the Spirit was without mea- fure, then alto may we fing together, and yet not flint the Spirit ; but Chrift and his Difciples did all ling together, and