Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

QifVindicationofOrdinances. and that for our example. Thus whether you look upon one or another of thefe Ordinances, ye find that they are Hill to continue, and that we are to receive, acknowledge, and fubmit unto thefe Appointments, and to hear Chrift herein. But betides thefe particulars, take Three or Fourgene- ral Reafons for the continuance of them. Firft,Ifthat the Wordof the new Tellament,as comman- ding to Beleeve, and promifing to give the Spirit, I fay, if this Word do continue, then the Ordinances of Chrift are Bill to continue : If the Appointments, Inflitutions, and Ordinances of Chrifl be not (till to continue, then the Word ofthe newTeflament ; as,the Commandement ofbe- keying, and the promife of giving theSpirit, do not conti- nue neither, there is the fame reafon ;_for, when we fay that the Lord Jefus Chrift hath appointed Baptifm , the Lords Supper, and other Ordinances, what do men fay ? True, thefe were appointed indeed for thofe times , when Chrifl and the Apofiles lived. But now I pray, May not the fame be Paid concerning the Commandement of Belee- ving, and concerning the promife ofgiving the Spirit ? you fay that you are bound to beleeve ; how prove you that ? fay you, Becaufe Chrift hath Commanded me : But I An- fiver you with your own Anfwer, He Commanded the men of thofe times only: You fay,That you Thal have the Spirit, How prove you that ? Chrifl bath promifed it, but how prove you, That the promife of the Spirit reacheth beyond thofe times ? Look what you Anfwer for the Ordinances, that may be Anfwered to the Commandement of Faith,,and the promife of giving the Spirit, and fo for the whole new 'Teflament ; and fo both Old and New Teflament will fall to the ground, and then we return to Heathenifm. Secondly, If the Doctrine of the Ordinances be of the foundation of our Religion, then certainly the Ordinances are ftill to continue ; for without a foundation there is no building. Now if you look into the 6 Chapter of the He- brews, you Thal find, That the Doe:One of Ordinances is of C the