Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

z2 3, 'VindicationofOrdinances-. the foundationofReligion,verfe the a. Therefore leaving the principles of the DoRrine of Chrift, let us go on untoperfeetion, not laying againthe foundation of repentancefrom dead Works', and offaith towards God,of theDoElrine ofBaptifms,and oflay- ing on of hands, c3.- of refurreElionof the dead, & eternaljacip anent. What this Baptifm is,I wil not difpute; what this lay- ing on of hands is, I wil not now reafon,; but certainly they mull be Ordinances. Now look ( faith the Apoftle) as the Doarine of the Refurreaion,and eternal judgment, and re- pentance from dead works, and of faith towards God, are -fundamental Doetrines ; fo the Doarine of Baptifins, and laying on of hands, are of the foundation. Now I fay, if thefe are of the foundation, then the Ordinances muff:ftill continue., Neither can it be faid, That thefe DoElrines of Baptifins, and of the laying onof hands,are to be laid afide; becaufe the Apoftle faith,Leaving thole principles let tt4 go on toperfeRion ; for thereby he meaneth only in regard of his prefling, urging, and inculcating thereof upon them ; as appears by the words of the former Chapter in the tall vet- fes ; otherwife lie fhould with them to lay afide the Do- C-frine of the RefurreCtion, eternal Judgment , and Faith towards God, which he preffeth to in the-after part of this - very Epifile. -- Thirdly, If this be a great difference between the Mini- ftration of Moles in the times ofthe Old Teflarnent, & the Miniftration ofChrifl, and of the Gofpel ; that the Mini- firation of ,Mofes and the Old Tefiament was not to conti- nue,. and the Ivlinifiration of the Gofpel is to continue,then furely the Ordinances of Chrift are Hill to ea-hide. Now look into the a of the Corinthians, the 3 Chapter,and there plairilyyou Thal fee this difference If the Minifiration of death, Written andengrave?: infl.ones,Was glorious, (at verf.7.) how(hall not the Miniffration of the Spirit be rather glorious ? Vert:- z t. For if that which is done away Was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. He makes this diffe- ence between the Miniftration of the Gofpel, and that of AztVes, that one is to be done away, and- the other, re- mains°