Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

elVindicationofOrdinancos. mains. Now if the Ordinances were not to continue and remain, what difference would there-be, as concerning this matter, between the Minifiration of Mofiv, and the Mini firation ofthe Gofpel? But the Apoille here plainly fpeaks, that this is the difference, The Miniftration ofthe one is to be done away, the Miniftration ofthe other cloth fill con- tinue ; therefore the Ordinances, and the Appointments of. Chrift do fill remain. Fourthly, If there fhall be Ordinances in the moil glo- rious times that are to come , when there fhall be a full powring out of the Spirit of God upon the Children of men, then certainly they are to remain now : And if you look either upon the hit of Ifaias, yeremy 3. Zachary.14. or upon other Scriptures where mention is made of the molt glorious times that are yet to come ; ye Thal find, that there is mentionmade alfo of Ordinances in thole times. Only let us look into the r1 Chap. of the Revelation, and ye Thal find, there at the 15 verfe, The feventh Angelfounded, and there weregreat voices in Heaven, faying,TheKingdoms ofthis World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Chrift, and he 'hall reign for ever and ever. Here are plainly the glo- rious times fpoken of that are yet to come. Wel, Thal there be any Ordinances then ? Yes ; for at the 19 verfe; And the Temple of the Lordmu opened inkleaven, anal-there Ita feen in bUTemple the etrkof hisTeflament.What is this but Ordinan- ces? The Ark,the vifible fign of the prefence of God in way of Ordinances : and the Temple opened, though it was Phut before. But it is laid in the latter end, of the Bookof the Bev/la/ion, there fhall be no Temple. True, no Jewifti Temple, for there he fpeaks in that Chapter ofthe Conver- lion of the Jews, and the bringing in of the Jews , but Chriflian Temple fhal then be opened again though (hut before in Antichriftian times, in thofe glorious times the Temple fhal be fully openedagain. Now I fay, if that in thofe more glorious times, When the Spirit fhall be fully powred out upon the Children of men, there fhall be Ordi- nances then certainly they are now to continue, but fo it C 2 is