dTindicationofOrdinances. the experienceof divers other precious fouls ; I know fome men.and women that have left theOrdiriances, the publick Ordinances, and they profeffe, That they never enjoyed more of God, than 1h-we they have left the Ordinances. I have not therefore mine own experience only, but I have the experience of divers other gracious people. Poor Soul- ! Wilt thou hang thy Salvation upon another alriftv". mans experience ? Hath not our Lord and Savior Chrifl faid, That many Thal lay, Lord, Lord, we have Prophefied in thy .Name,and caft out Devils in thy Name, C done many won- derful things in thy Name ; andChrill. Willfay unto them, De- part, Iknoll= not : Hath not our Savior laid, Not every one thatfaith, Lord, Lord, but he that Both the Will of my Father. What is the Will of the Father ? The Will of the Father is, That-ye hear his Son.A voyce was heard from Heaven, faying, This is my-beloved Son, hear ye him. How can ye hear him, and turn your backs upon Chrifts Appointments ? Is this the Will of the Father ? But nowSuppofe it be fo,that others give in their experi- ences, fome that you look upon as godly and precious and they fay, I never enjoyed more of God than [ince I'have left the Ordinances. Are there not alfo divers godly that have faid and fay , I never enjoyed more of God than in the Ordinances ? Yea, and are there not a hundred of thofe to one of the other ? yea, and are there not fome (if you go to experience ) are there not fome that have laid by the Ordivances, and by this time are come home ( as you fay ) by Weeping Crofs ? fome that were in the lafl Defeat at Burford, who formerly had laid by the Ordinances, and faid they lived upon God, and in God immediatly, flout- hearted Champions; yet being Condemned to die,they cri. ed out and faid, Oh ! that I might live but twodaies lon- ger : Oh ! that I might live but one day longer : Oh that I might live but one hour longer : I am unprepared for death, I know not how to die. And yet thefe men faid before, that the Ordinances were nothing, and they lived in God, and upon God immediatly ; fee what it came to how