Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

16 Objer1.3. Anfw. e Vindication ofOrdinances. how their experience fhrunk. And wilt thou hang the Sal- vation of thy Soul upon the experienee of fuch people as thefe ! But I donot go theway ofexperience, neither mine own nor others experience, but I have Scripture (at leaft I think fo ) and there are three Scriptures efpecially that c1O-per-. fwade me : and the one is, that in the Hebrews. Youfhall no longer teachyour neighbor,but every man Aall be taught ofGod. Another Scripture is, that in yohn, Ye need not that.any man Jhould teachyou, forye are taught of God, and have received the unaion of the Holy one, and need not that man Jhould teachyou. Another Scripture is,that ofPeter, We have a morefure word of Prophefie, unto which ye do well that ye take heed, 'as unto a light thatAineth in a darkplace, until the day dawn, and the day-flar arife inyour hearts. But now the da y-flar hath ar rifen in my heart, and therefore why should I attend upon thefe Ordinances any longer ? For Anfwer, Let us I pray confider whether thefe Scrip- tures do fpeak any fuch thing or no. As for that of the Hebrews, Chapter the 8. the words run thus, This is the Covenant that Iwill make With the houfe of Ifrael after thofe daies, faith the Lord, at the i o verfe, /will put my Laws into their mind, andWritethem in their heart ; at the i i verf. And they fhall not teach every man his neighbor,and every man his brother ; faying-,Know the Lord,for all (hall know me. Mark the words, theydo riot run as they are ordinarily cited by people, viz. They (hall not teach every man his neighbor, for all (hall know the Lord ; but thus, They Aid not teach every man his neighbor,and every man his brotherfay- ing, Know the Lord. That is, They (hall not teach them as if they were to teach Heathens, that knew not the Lord, but in Gofpel times they finall teach a knowing people. If it were only faid thus, They (hall not teach every man his neighbor, but they fhall be all taught of God, then it were another cafe ; But the words run thus, They fha I not teach every man his neighbor, laying, Know theLord. ( there is that claufe too) That, is,They alai not teach anHeathenifh, un-