'VindicationofOrdinances, knowing people, but in the times of the Gofpel, they (hall be taught by God, and his Miniflers Thal teach a knowing people. As for that place in ?ohn, ye have it in the firfl Epiffle, the z Chap.and the 27.verf. But the anointingWhichyoit have reined ofhim abideth inyou, and you need not that any man teachyou, but as thefame anointing teachethyou of all things. Now if you look into verf.i S. you wil find that thefewords - are fpoken in oppofition to Antichri/l, to t he falfe uneiion, visr*,3-- fignifieth, Anointed. Antichrift is the faire Anoin- ted, Little Children, faith he at the IS. veil. It is the laf time, and&ye have heard that Antichrift (the falfe anointed) !hail coree., even fo there arefalfe anointeds, but (at the ao.verf. faies he) we have an umLion from the Holy One. So that plain- ly,he fpeaks here of this unction as oppofite to the falfe un- Oion of Antichrift. But ( faith he at the 27verfe) the a- nointing which ye have received ofhim, abideth inyou, and you need not thatany man teachyou,but as thefame anointing teach-- ethyou.Ye need not be taught by falfe anointings,and Anti- chriflian anointings. That this is the meaniug, and that he fpeaks in oppofition to Antichrillian anointing, appears plainly by the words that go before, at the z6 verfe, Thefe things have I written untoyou concerning them that 'educe ou. So the meaning is,ye need not be taught by man,or by t e ' that are falfely anointed,as Antichrift is nor any otherw e need ye be taught by man, but as the fame anointing (Chrift) teacheth, and Chrifl teacheth by the publick Mi- niflry of the Word. As for that place in Peter, in the fecondEpifile, the EA Chapter and the 19 verfe, We have alio a mere fore word of Prophefie,Whereanto ye do well thatye take heed, as unto a light that fhineth in a darkplace, until the day dawn,and the day-far arife inyotu- hearts. Until, this until,-doth not aiwayes note an end of time, the end of that time to be then, whic,h this until loth relate unto ; for example, .Davicifaith, '.1 Will Wait upon the Lord till& fbews mercy unto me. Would David wait upon the Lord no longer ? when he had the Mercy, would I