Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, andapplied fromCHR.ISTS Prieftly.Office. 53 sole made, thefirfl wherein war thecandlellici and the table and theitem- bread; which it called thefanEitcary. And after the Secondvail, the tabernacle which it called the holieff of which had the goldencenrer, and the arkofthe covenant, overlaid round about withgold, whereinMg thegolden pot that bad manna, and Aarons rod that budded, and the tables ofthecovenant ; Ando- ver it the cherubim; ofglory fhadowing the Mercy-Seat. And asevery day, morning and evening, there was a lamb offe- red, a facrifice for the fins of the people, upon the Erafen " Alter; So everyday, morning andevening, there was in- cenfe alfo, upon thegolden-Altar : which was performed while thepeople were without at prayer, mingling that ,incenfe with their prayers ; As it is in the 1. Chap. of Luke, the 8, 9, and i o.verfes. It came to paffi that while he (that is) Zacharias)executed the Priefts Office beforeGod in the order of his courfe, according to thecuflome ofthePriefis office, his lot was to burnincenfe whenhe went into the temple ofthe Lord : and the wholemultitude ofthepeople werepraying without, at the time of incenfe. So that the incenfe, was at a time when theywere fweetly mingling their prayers and the incenfe together. But now, although that there was a facrifice every , day, yet once in the yeer, theHigh-Prieft came, and betook the blood of theSacrifice, and carried it into theHoly ofHoli- eft, and fprinkled the Mercy-Seat therewith, And al- though there was incenfe too, from the Golden Altareve- ry day, yet once in the yeer,the HighPriefl came, and he took the goldenCenfer, and putting incenfe into it from off the golden Altar went into the Holy ofHoliefi and caufed a cloud of perfume to arife upon the Mercy-Seat. All which was a great Typeof Jetts Chria our High-Priet1 : who though he offered up himfelf a facrifice once for fin without, yetwhenhe died, and afcended, he carried the venue ®fthathis blood into theHolyofHolieft, into Hea- Ven5 and fprinkled the Mercy-Seat ,therewith: Although hebegan tomake Interceffion while he lived; as we reade lathe x7. of:jobe; yet whenhe ;headed up into' Heaven, theHoly.ofHoliett, then-Ate did take his golden Center, and-