e(Vindication ofOrdinances. Objeef. But he was not come in fuch a degree of the Spi- rit, as now he is. Anfw. No : Either then you have a greater degree ofthe Spirit in regard ofgifts, or in regard ofgrace ; if you Wave a greater degree ofthe Spirit in regard ofgifts,why do you not fpeak with Tongues, and work Miracles, Healing, &c. as thy did ? and a greater degreeof the Spirit in regard of grace you have not ; for are you fild with all goodnefs ? fo were they too, Rom.15.14. yet they under Ordinances : Or is the Gofpel come unto you in power, fo that you are an example to thofe that beleeve ? fo were they too, a Theff:i. 7,8.yet they under Ordinances : Or do you live in God,and is your life hid withChrift in God? fo it was with them too, Co/.3.3.yet they underOrdinances.And wil you venture the Salvation of your Soul upon this point, That you have a greater degree of the Spirit, than they had in thole times; which you mull do if you raft up theOrdinances upon that ground... But I fuppole it wil be granted, That Chats Co- ming, &Appearing,is al one; and ifye look into 2 Tim... I . his Appearing,& Judging of the quick& deact,go together. And is that time come ? The Angel faith, AR.r. That as the Difciples faw him go away, fo he should come again ; and they fawhim go away perfonally ; therfore his Coming is perfonally : but he is not yet come again perfonally,& ther- fore according to the Scripture, The Lords Supper, and lo Ordinances, which hold forth his Death, and firft Coming, are Bill to continue ; why fbould it therefore enter into any of our hearts, That we are to lay afide the precious Ordi- nances of the Lord Jefus Chrift our great Prophet ? But we do not deny the Ordinances ; We grant that the Ordinances are _fill to continue ; but they are lower Di- fpenfations fOr the weak only not for thole that are ftrong. No ! Not for thole that are ftrong ! Why ? Were there none ftrong among the Romans ? Among the Theffaloni- ans ? Among the Corinthians ? Saith the Apoftle, You tha are ftrong, bear with thole that are weak.: and yet they were D under Objett.5'.