Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

QITFind:cation o Ordinances. . _ under Ordinances. I but theywere notfo flrong, and had not much of the ,Spirit and were not r,id. with the Spi- rit. Staythen a little, Fira, We have it granted; That the Ordinances are to continue upon thofe that are Weak,, Se- condly, That they are to continue upon thofe that are.. firong ; but it is laid, That if a man befi) thong; then not._, Now then let any man thew that the Ordinances are to continue upon-thofe that are weak , and -upon thofe that. are thong; but' if a manCome unto fuch a degree firength, then they are not to continue upon - him, 'Where is that degree mentioned in Scripture ? Let any man flew that de- gree. The ScriptUre doth fpeak the Contrary, for it is- laid, That Ster,,hen'was f, id with the l-- Ghoft,and yet he was made a De won of the Church, and was under Ordinan- ces 4. - Fild with the Holy Gholl, here is a high degree, and yet under Ordinances ; and if that the Spirit of the Lord, be therefore poured out in the fulnefs'of it, that men may be enabled for to walk with God under his Ordinances. then the fulnefs of the Spirit is no reafon why Ordinances fhould be laid aficle. Now I praylookirito the 36 Chap- ter of Ezek,iel, and you {hall find that the Lord fpeaking concerning the new Covenant, promifeththus, I will pit my Spirit. Within you, (at the27verfe) and catre you to welkinmy Statutes, andye fbal.iteep My judgments and -do them. I will put my Spirit within you; and ca-ul you to walk, &C. the word in the Hebrew, fignifies to p,epare , as we prepare and.. drefs our meat,,Or as facrifices were dreffed for the offering: fo faith the Lord, I wil put my Spirit within you, and wit, prepare you,-or adapt, & fit you for to walk in my StatuteS: the Spirit is therefore put into us; that we may be prepared and fitted to walk in Gods, Statutes.- And faith he, re fh.- keep my judgments, and do them. I will not only give you my Spirit, to keep my Commandements, and do the things I Commandyou, but ye {ball keep my Judgments, and my. Statntes, and therefore z will give you -my Spirit that ye may be fitted, and thus adapted to walk in my Statutes,and keep my Judgments.; yea, more plainly yet, in the II of Ezekiel