Vindication o Orcinances. z,ekiel, where thetLord opening the new Covenant, faith at the 'T 9 verfe, 1 willgive them one heart,and l Will put a neW Spirit withinyou,d- 1 wil take away thestony heart out oftheir, fiefli, and I mail give them an heart offleA, That they may walk in my Statutes,and keep mine Ordinances, Verf. 20. Now I fay, If the Spirit of the Lord be thereforegiven, that a man may be more fitted to walk with God under Ordinances, ; then the fulnefs of the Spirit cannot be a reafon why you fhould lay aside Ordinances ; but thus it is, The Spirit of the Lord is therefore given, that we may walk with God in his Statutes, 'and in his judgments, and keep them, and hold them ; yea, and if we look into the T o Chapter of the Accis of the Apoffles, we shall find, That Baptifmwith wa- ter, is therefore adminifbred, becaufe men had received the Holy Choi} and the Gifts illettof verf. whilefr Peter .ake,the hay Ghofl fel on them al which heard the word,ver.45. On themWas poP,,red the gift of the holy Ghofl. Thenfail Peter, verf.47. Can anyforbid Water that thefe fhouldnot be baptized, Which have received the holy Ghoft as reel as we ? And he com- manded them to be baptized. 'Now, if this be a reafon why they were to have the Ordinance pafs upon them, becaufe they had received the holy Ghofb in the gifts and powrings out of it thenour being filled with the Spirit, is no reafon why we should lay by the Ordinances ; but as we fee plain- ly, this is made a reafon why they were to come under the Ordinance. =Surely therefore the Ordinances are hill to i continue, though we have the Spirit, and be filled there- Why therefore should we be fo bold as to call them low, and poor, and weak, or fiefhly Difpenfations feeing that the holy Glioft by P Cor,3:) cals the who! Mini- ffration of the Gofpel, and the Difpenfation thereof, Spirit arid gloriom ..'upon this very account, Becaufe the MinifFra- tion and Difpenfation of the Gofpel ( as then used in Perils time ) were to abide and to continue -; the Miniftration of iflofs only to he clOne away But fuppofe thefe: Ordinances, . and Appointments of Chrift this great Prophet do frill continue, and that we do D 2 and Obje5.6.