22 (4'F -indicationofOrdinances. and fhould ufe the fame ; yet we are not to ufe them be- cauf of any Appointment, or Commandement without us, but becaufe of the Lawwithin us. Anfiv. This deflroyes all Obedience on this fide Heaven; for what is Obedience, but doing the Will ofGod,becaufe it is Commanded The Apoftle Paul faith to the Thefalonians, EpifIle I. Chapter 4. Verfe 9. touching brotherly love, Ye your felves are taught ofGod to love one another. Yet he pref- fedi them therunto from the C5mandement without them,, verf.2. For ye know what Commandement we gaveyou, by the Lord jefus, for this is the Will of God, even your Sanclifi- cation, that ye should abftain from Fornication, verf.3 . and that no mango beyondand dePaud his brother, verf,6.. Had not our Lord and Savior Chrift a Law written within him ? yet he obeyed, nor only becaufvf. that Lawwithin, but alio becaufe of the Commandement without him. Heb.10.7.Lo, I come to do thy Will, 0 God. - Why ? For in theVolumn of the Book it is written ofme ; and yet he faithwithal, Thy Law is within my heart ; I delight to do thy Will. And cloth not the Apoille 7-ames prefs Obedience upon thole Beleevers whom he wrote unto,from the authority of i God, and Commandement without them ? Chapter 2. I I., For he that laid, Do not commit Adultery ; fizid alto, Do not Kill. Had not the godly beleevingjews the Law of Grace writ- ten within them ? Yet how frequently doth the Lord prefs them through the whole Book of Deuteronomy, to Obedi- ence, becaufe it wasCommanded, and from the Comman- dement without them ?- ObjeEl.7. But all this doth not reach my Scruple : I grant that the Ordinances are ftill tocontinue;and should continue ; yea, and that I am to fubmit to them becaufe they are Appoin- ted and Commanded but then,they mull continue as they are Appointed and Commanded, according to the Inflituti- on of the Law-giver, and this great Prophet ; but we reade,. , That Antichrift that laywafte,and trample upon the Chur- ches, Minifiry, and Ordinances of Chrift : Now thefe are