eifVindicationofOrdinances. Antichriftian times, and therefore now the Churches, Mi- nifiry, and Ordinances, are all levelled, laid wafte, and ut- terly fpoiled ; and therefore though they fhould, yet they do not continue, and fothere are none for me to fubmit un- to, wherein I fhould hearken to this great Prophet : when the Apotiles come again, all (hall be then reflored ; but for the prefent, through Antichriftian defilement there are no publick Ordinances to fubmit unto. Not fo : We read indeed in the II of theRevelation,T hat the outward Court of the Temple fhall be given to the Gen- tiles ,the Antichriftian party ; but the inward Court and the AnfW° Altar, and thofe that Worfhip therein , Bull be meafured, verfe I. and if the Woman ( which is the Church) (hall be nourifhed in the Wildernefs, and the two witneffes than Prophefie in Sackcloath the whole time of Antichrill ; then the Woman,and the Witneffes (hal continue with Or- dinances, even in Antichriflian times. Now the whole time of the Whore of Babylon and the Beall, is fourty two Months,(Rev..i 3.)and al that time fhal the Woman be nou- rifhed,:Chap.i a, and the Witneffes continue,Prophefying, Chap. i i . And do we not reade that at tlie,fame time a whil the vaffals of Antichrifi do receive his mask in their forehead and hand, Revel. 13. that there are anhundred, fourty, and four thoufand, who Eland upon mount Zion with their harps in their hand, having the mark ofGod and the Lamb in their foreheads, Revel.- 1 4.in the 16.- chap. of the Revel. the vial of the wrathof God is powred out up on the beafT and the throne of the beat}, but thofe Angels who defaitowre out thofe vials mentioned in. the 16. chap.. come out of the Temple, chap. 15. indeed it's raid chap. 15. 8. that the Temple (hall be filled with fmoke, and that none (hall be able to enter into it, but it is with the fmoke of - Gods glory, the fign of hit pretence in the Temple, and though through the wickednefs of the times no man fhall be able to enter, that is,- no confiderable company (hall be -added to the Churches of Chrifl then, yet this proves-that ,there flnall be a Temple, for can the Temple be filled with the