Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

z4, Qi1.21/ mclication,oif Ordinances, ' the fmake'of Gods glo TY, and yet no Temple ; or cloth this argue that you have no houfe, becaufe if's faid,That no man could get in ? this proves rather that you have an houfe : fo here. And if Antichrifl the man of fin Thal lit in the hotffe of God, or rather upon the houfe of God ( as 'lull-in tran- flares it) in regard of his Tyranny , then there fhall bea _Temple, and publick Worfhip, even under the moll Tyran- nical Oppreflions of Antichrill : Why therefore fhould a- ny poor Soul be deceived, and fay, There are no Ordinan- ces now ? Surely the Ordinances &Appointments of Chrift this great Prophet, are, and do 'till continue, wherein we are to hearken to him. But in all this Difcourfe you proceed in a way ofReafon, and thefe things are not to be beaten out, or attained to by Reafon ; no nor by Scripture-Reafon, but as God fhall re- veal them to us by his Spirit : If God do fhine upon my Soul;and reveal the neceflityof Ordinances to me'_, then I fhall rife them, elfe not ; fometimes therefore, I do attend Upon Ordinances, fometimes I do not ; I can ufe them, and I can forbear or not ufe them ; even as the Spirit doth reveal things, fo do I. . But if any thing feem to be revealed which is contrary to the Scripture, there is no revelation of the Spirit ; for faithour Savior, The Spirit 'hall take of mine, randfbal1 inert, toyou, yohn 16. 14. and verfef 3. He !hall lead you into all truth, for he /hall not fpeik,,ofhimfelf,d-c. and faith the Lord, I will put my Spirit intoyou, that ye may keep 7,9 Statutes and Ordinances. Ez,(1 i. Whatever therefore is revealed con- trary to the Word, is not of the Spirit. Now it is cdaa- ry to the Word (as bath been proved ) that we fhould cal} off, or negled Ordinances : and therefore there can be no revelation of the Spirit for this ; a delufion there may be, but no true revelation. Befides our Lord and . Savior Chrift bath fo ordered things in the Gofpel, That if a man err, or be an Heretick, he may be Convinced ; A Bilbop, or Eider, mull- be unreprovable , i Tit. 7.9. Holding fall that faithful Word according to DoErine, that he alto may be able to exhort Objec7.8.