el'FinchcationofOrdinances. exhort with wholfomDoRrine,d- convince them thatjay wiainfl it. But how can any man be convinced but in a way of Scripture-reafon, the Spirit of the Lord foyning therewith ? if this were the way of Chrii, that a man friould fay , I have a revelation for what I hold, the Spirit hath- revealed it to me,and'there is no more Scripture-reafoning to be ad- mitted about it, how Ibould a man be convinced any more? 1.1t I fay, Orin bath fo ordered, that men lhould be con- vinced in cafe they er, and be out ofthe way, and therefore flying from Scripture-reafonings to a way of meer revelati- on, cannot be right. And whereas you fay, That you can ufe the Ordinances, and you can forbear or not ufe them, this doth not heal the wound, but nukes it greater; for if you can forbear the Ordinances , or not ufe them , then you think there is no Commandement upon you to ufe them, and fo (as to your felf ) you have call them off: and if yet you do ufe themwhen you think there is no comman dement for the ufe of them,then are you Superffitious ; for what is Superffition, but to Worfhip God without a Com- mandement ?Supeiliitio quail fuperfiatistum, Superffition is that Worfhipwhich is without Gods Commandement, But fuppofe all this be true, what is the danger of re- nouncing, or forfaking the Ordinances then ? We grant now after all this, That the Ordinances ofChriff are ftilLto continue, we have feen it proved, and Objeclions are an- fwered, But is there any danger in renouncing and forfa- king of them ? Yes, and much danger too ; let me lay before you the mind of God herein: only firft I diffinguith, There is a dif- ference between thofe that forfake the Ordinances, as !De- ng under a Temptation, and thofe that are not under a Temptation ; poffibly a good man may be tempted to it, and may lie under this Temptation, for there is no fin that Iknow of , but a godly man may be tempted to it, poffibly therefore I fay, a godly and a good man may be tempted to this, and may for a time lie under this tempta- tion : but now, if a man not under a Temptation fhall for- fake