Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

d'Vindication ofOrdinances. fake Ordinances, when he bath tailed of the fweetnefs of them, and turn his back upon this great Prophet the Lord fetus, not fubmitting unto his Apointments, fee what the Scripture faith of himin this chapter. faith the Lord, IWill require it at his hand. And in the z3.of Exodus, the zo. and 2 I . verfes, Behold, Ifendan Angel before you, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have preoared ; (this is Chrift) beware of him, and obey his voyce, provoke, him not, for he will not pardonyour tranfgreffions ,for my Name is in him. And youknow what the Apoftle faith, Ifany manfin Wilfully after he bath received the knowledg of the truth, there ramaineth no more facrifice for fin, Hebrews I 0. 2,6. which fpeech, which dread4ull fpeech, relates unto thofe that call .off the Ordinances of Chriil, after they have tailed of the fweetnefs of them ; for the word is brought in with afor, For if we fan Wilfully. What cloth he then fpeak in relation to ? reade the words before, Notforfaking the <ambling of your fclves together .as the manner offame is,FOR ifWe fin wil- fully after that we have received the knowledg of the truth, It comes in as relating to this matter, fo that ifmen not un- der a temptation, (hall wilfully throw up the Ordinances of Chrift, after they have tailed the fweetnefs of them, and of the waies of God by them, the Lord pronounceth this doom upon them. And if ye look into the 6 Chapter of the HebreWs, ye fball find, that the Apoftle fpeaking con- cerning thofe that had left their principles, faith, That it is impoilible to renew them again unto repentance. Ye readie at the 6 verfe, If they fhallfall away, t remit themagain unto repentance : but in the Greek, and Original, the word If, is not,, but it-runs as the other words before do, thus, For it is impoifible, at the 4 verfe, For men having once been en- lightned, havingtaftedof the Heavenlygift,and having been made partaker of the holy Ghoft and having taedof thegood Word ofGod, & the powers of the world to come, & havingfal- len away, (not with an If.) And havingfallen away ; it is impoffible to renew them again unto repentance. Who are thefe that he fpeaks of ? pray mark.the firft verfe, There- fore