Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

I Vl ',VindicationofOrdinances 2,7 fore leaving the principles ofthe Doitrine of Chri let us go on 1 onto perfellion, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead Work!, andofFatth towards God, of the Dodr.a'ne of Baptifms , and of laying on ofkinds , and of refurretlion ofthe dead, and of eternaljudgment, For it is impoffible. This fame word, for, thews that it relates unto thole that he speaks of before,that had loft thefe principles; for faith he,(it coms in as a reafon) for it is impoffible to renew them again to re- pentance : ifonce they come to this pals, that they,fhal lofe their Principles,and deny theDoCtrines that are fundamen- tal, the Doetrines of the RefurreCtion,and ofeternal Judg- tnent,and the fundamental DoCtrine of Ordinances; if they fhal fal from thefe, and let go !heir Principles, and not un- der a temptation, it is impoilible, or very unlikely, utterly unlikely in a way of reafon, that ever thofeSouls should be renewed again ; yet if ye look into the 24of Mat. ye than find, that fuch as thefe, there Thal be in the latter times, the times immediatly before the coming of Chrifl; for faith our Savior, There ,/ball arifefalfe Chrifis, andfalle Prophets, andIliad .lhewgreatfigns andWonders, info much ( as if it Mere poffible) they fhall elective the very Elea. HowThal we know them-? how are they CharaClarized ? why, they fhal fay Of Chrift, verf. 26. Behold he is in the Defert,beholdlie is in the Acret Chamber gone from the publick Ordinances, they are low andfleih ; but faith our Savior, Beleeve them not. Yet Lord,howmany do beleeve theml But Oh I what a fad condition are thefe poor Creatures 1 in I they may pretend living upon God immediatly, but Oh l what a fad condition are thefe poor fouls in 1 I hope better things of you,and every ofyou,though I thus fpeah; yet I mull here exhort you to keep dole unto your Pi iiict- pits, and to.the Appointmentsof the Lord Jefus this neat Prophet. And I do exhort you, By the Sweat of all year Minifters, dead and living : By the love you hear to the precious Name of God : By the love you bear to your own precious Souls ; hold and keep Clofe to Ordinances in acre clecliningsimes; fee where they are in purity and power, E but