Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

elfFindicationofOrdinances. but keep clofeto them. I am perfivaded, That there is ne- ver a one of you, but would be a friend to Chrift ; fayes Chrift, Then areye my friends ifye do whatfoever Icommand Jon. Andcan my heart tel me,that I am a friend to Chrift if. Loft off all his Appointments and all his Ordinances ? I am perfwaded there is none of you, but defire to be the Children of God, wifdom is juftified of her Children ; Chrift' is the Wifdom ofthe Father : and if you be the Children of Wifdom, you will juilifie Chrift in all his Appointments, but if Chrift< the Wifdom of the Father, (hall give you fuch Inftitutions and Ordinances, and you cart them off, and fay, They are low and flefhly, and.the like >: Oh I how will you juflifie Chrift the Wifdom of the Father? Where- fore I fay (you that are Profeffors) hold your hold in thefe declining times ? and ifyou know any of your;friends that are departed from the good Ordinances ofilGod ; Oh ! 'land and mourn, and lament over them, and fay, Alas 1 alas ! my friend, how is his Crown fallen from his head ? If you have a Neighbor that hath a Monfter born inftead of a Child, you will lament over your Neighbor, and fay, My Neighbor, infteadof a fweet Child hath an ugly Mon- fter, with the Head of a Hog, and the Ears of anAfs ! Ah, my poor. Neighbor hath a Monfter born in his Family 1 why,this Non-Ordinance is Eng-lands Monfter ; and as peo- ple carry Monfters up and down to thew them ; fo in other Countries they go up and down,and fay, Come and behold the Englifh Monfter ;_a thing never feen before, That Pro.- feffors should deny Ordinances. And yet,. good Lord ! how many Families in this KINGDOM bath this Mon- fter born there ! Ah will you not Pray , weep , and lament over the Families of your friends ? Chriffian hold thy hold in thefe fad and declining times , hold thy" hold. But what (hal we.do then ? ,Thefe are deceiving, and de- clining times, and there is nothing fo dangerous, but by fteps we may be drawn into it ; what (hall we do, that in thefe times we may be kept dole to Ordinances a that we - may