Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

eillindicationofOrainances. 29 may never turn our backs upon this great Prophet theLord Jefus Chrift, but receive, acknowledg , fubmit unto His Appointments, and therein hearken unto Him ? Firfl, Ye know that there is a concatination a lincking together of Ordinances, and difpenfations : as of fins and of graces ; fo of Ordinances and Difpenfations ; takeaway one linck, and the whole chain is broken ; open but one gap in the hedg, and way is made unto all the bealls. gin writingupon yohn, tels us a dory of a certain man, that was of an Opinion, That the Devil did make the Fly, that God did not make a Fly,but the Divel did make a Fly; faith one to him then, If the Devil did make the Flies, then the Devil did make the Worms, and God did not make the Worms neither, for the,Flies are living creatures as well as the Worms : true faid he, I grant it, the Devil did make the Worms too. But faid the other, If the Devil did make the Worms, and not God ; then the Devil did make the Birds ; for the Worms are living creatures as well as the ,Birds : true, faid he , I grant it ; the Devil did make the Birds, andGod did not make the'Birds. Then faid the o- ther, If God did not make the Birds, but the Devil made the Birds, then the Devil made the Beans ; for the Birds are living creatures as well as the Bealls : true, I grant it Paid he,the Devil did make the Beafts too. Then faid the o- ther again, If the Devil did make the Beafts,the Devil made Man, for the Beafl is a living creature as wel as Man : true laid he, I grant it, the Devil made Man. Thus faith Au- fkin, by denying God in the Fly, he came to deny God in Man, and to deny the whole 'Creation ; by letting a little hold go, to deny the whole Workmanfhip of God in the Creation. So I fay here, if you let go but a little in this Spiritual Creation, you may lofe all. Whenfoever there- fore, you have a queftion upon your own Soul concerning any one of the Ordinances, then know, you are upon your tryal, upon your good behavior ; and therefore then go to the Lord, and fay, Lord keep me now, for if I let go one, I am in danger to lofe all E 2 Secondly,