eiVindication ofOrdinances. Secondly, If you would be kept clofe to Ordinances; and hearken to Chrift this great Prophet, in acknowlec1,- ging, receiving fubmitting unto his Appointments ; then take heed that you be not dead, dul, & formal under them;1 but improve them, grow, and increafe under them ; other- wife you will fay, Alas I I get but littlegood under thofe; were thefe the Ordinances, Appointments, and Inflitutions ofJefus Chrifl. I fhould profit by them, but I get little or no good at all under them, therefore it is a vain thing for me towait any longer, I will attend no longer upon trefe. If a rich man put out a Child-to Nurfe, and he rend,Cloaths, for the Child,org,ives Money unto the Nurfe for his Child, and the takes the Money and laies it out upon her own, or takes thole-Cloathis and puts them upon the back of her own Child, the Father will furely fetch away his Child quickly from that Nurfe. The Lord bath given us Ordinances,and given us good affations, and if we lay out thofe affeaions upon the world, upon our own brats, then will the Lord fay. I will take away my Child, my Ordinances from that Soul, or I will take away that Soul from my Ordinance.. Labour therefore to profit, grow, and encreafe under them, Thirdly, If you would keep dole unto thofe Appoint- ments, and not flop your ears unto the voice of this great Prophet, Then have a very watchful. eye upon thofe Prin. Fiples thatwalk abroad in the world, which though they have a truth and gooddefs at the bottom, yet notwithfian- ding being not well digefied or underftood are dangerous guides in there dark times.' For inftance, It is an ordinary Principle that nowwalks abroad, That a. godly man doth not fin,a Beleever fins not : the thing is truefortheAportle. faith,He that z born of6'odfins not ;, that is,Irrecoverably, for thefeed ofGod abides in him But it is not true in regard of the ad of fin.; for the fame A.poftle faies,Ifany man faith he fins- not, he is a lyar. Again; it is a common Principle that now walks abroad, That the Spirit of Clod in ine, is not to be tried by any thingWithout me. It bath a good fenfe;. for the:-