:_illindicationofOrdinances. theteflimony of the Spirit bath a fufficiency in it felf, as to the matter of teftimony , yet notwithflanding it is not true in regard of the Scripture , for the Spirit of God in me, is to be treed by the Scripture without me. Again, It is a common Principle that walks now abroad, That the coming in of a particular ,word uponones heart, the im- preffion ofthe word upon ones heart, is to be the Rule of aelion ; a word came,and therefore I mull do fuch a thing. The thing is true in a fenfe ; for if a man be in a (hail, be-, tween two lawful things, and a word come and be let up- on the heart, that impreilion is enough for to call- the bu- finefs ; but it is not true imall refpeas, for it is not the bare coming in of theword, but the Lords.Command that is to be the Rule ofmy action. Again, It is a common Principle that walks now abroad, That the Ordinances are for the enjoyment of God. This is true, they are for the enjoy- ment Of God - when do we enjoy God more, when doth God let out himfelf more than under Ordinances.? but though it be true, yet it is not all the truth, for the Ordi- nances are not given only for the enjoyment of God, but for us to give a vifible teflimony, and to bear witnefs be- fore the world of our obedience to God. Nowmany fuch Principles as thefe there are abroad in the world e but if you take them up-anci donor underfland themeI dare bold- ly fay, You will be carried from all Ordinances prefently. As now, fuppofe I be:of an Opinion, That I who am a Be- leever, cannot fin : then it follows, If I go to Ordinances, well ; If I do not go to Ordinances, I do not fin ; Here's Ordinances gone upon this Principle. So again, If I be of this Opinion, That the coming iieof aparticular weird uponones heart, is to be the Ruleof my action;, I am. in.a doubt now;, and a ftrait whether I fhould attend uporbOrclinancesor no ;. then comes a word; it may. be Satan throws jai; or mine own memory reacheth it in, and the word tels me, I am to attend upon Ordinances no longer, then. farwel Ordinances. Again, Suppofe I be ofthis Opinion ,- That. the Spirit.of Ciottwithimmer is it -i' to . .