eifPindication ofOrdinances. ,, 1, to be tryed by any thing without me : then I think the Spi- rit and Word within me faith, Wait upon God no longer in thefe lower Difpenfations, do not attend upon Ordinan- ces any longer, and that is to be tryed by nothing without me,not by the Scripture,and thus Ordinances are gone too. Again, IfI be of this judgment, That Ordinances are given us only for the enjoyment of God, then think I, I can en- joy God in private, and Ordinances are only for the enjoy- ment of God, what need I therefore attend upon Ordinan- ces any longer ? Thus I fay, followthefe principles to the head, and youwill certainly forfake Ordinances. Where- fore you that are godly, look to your Principles ; do not take a Principle andnot underftand it, but look well into it) thus fhall you be kept. But fuppofe I be kept to Ordinances, Inftitutions, and Appointments of Chrift this great Prophet, and I do hear him, that is, I do receive, acknowledg , and fubmit unto his Appointments.; pallibly a man may do this and mifcarry to all Eternity; . what fhall I do that I may fo receive,acknow- ledge, and fubmit unto Chriffs Appointments, that I may hear him effeCtually, hear him favingly ? Firfl, You know that Chrift our great Prophet, cloth e- fpecially look at the inward-man ; for he is God, and a Spirit, and minds the Spirit : though he will have every letter of his Commandement to be obferved, yet he laies the great ftrefs and the Emphafis upon the Spiritual.part of the Commandement. As now, It hash beenfaid ( faith he) ThouAalt not commit Adultery : but mark where he laies the emphafis, But Ifay untoyou,Thou (halt not lookupon a Woman to lull after her, here this great Prophet, laies the emphafis and ftrefs upon the Spiritual part. So faith he,It bath been faid toyou ofold,ThouAalt not kill; but mark where he laies the emphafis, But Ifay untoyou, ye Aallnot be angry. Would you therefore fo hearken to this great Prophet , as ye may hear him effe&ually, and favingly ; obferve where he laies the emphafis in the giving of the Commandement, and there do you lay the emphafis in your obedience, Doth the