eifFindicatianofOrdinances; 33 the Lord fay, It hath been faid ofold, Thou fhalt not co- 'nit Adultery,6ut Ifay,is the Lord Chrifts IAy written up- on the Spiritual part of the Commandementt,then through the grace of God,fhal mine Ifay for Obedience be pitched upon the fpiritual part alfo. Secondly, The Lawyouknow was given by Mofes but grace and truth came by Chrift. The Law and the ten Commandements,vvas given byMofes, but no grace to keep them. But Chrift our great Prophet doth not only give forth his Appointments, but he gives grace to keep them do I therefore, or do any of,you Band poring upon the let- ter of the Commandement, andnot look upon the grace, the affilling grace for to keep theCommandement ? herein I hearken to Mofes, but do I fo look upon the Commande- ment, and Appointments of Chrift, as that withal I have an eye to grace, affifting grace, and fay, I fhal have grace too to keep this Commandernent ?- then do I hearken unto Chrift Jefus this great Prophet. Look therefore I fay,as wel to grace,as to the letter of the Commandement. Thirdly, The more you have the exercife of Faith in the obfervance of Chrifis Inflitutions, Appointments, and Or- dinances, the more effecqually and favingly you hear him. Faith is a faving hearing of this great Prophet ; there is a great difference between an Inftituted, and a Na- tural means ; Phyfitians, and phyfick are Natural means of Health, but the beholding of the brazen Serpent was an Inftituted means for recovery, not a natural means ; now ifWe go to the ufe ofnatural means,we are to ufe our faith; much more when we go to the ufe of Inftituted means; and the Appgintments of the Lord Jefus Chrift are Inftituted mearfs;t*fore when we come to them,we mull come with our hearts ful of Faith,exercifing much faith when we come to them. You find the Apoftle writing unto the TheTaloM- ans, makes this fign of Ele6tion ; the firil of the Thep/. the a Chapter, Knowing, brethren (at the 4 verfe )yoUr Elecclion ofGod, how fo ? for our Gofpel came not.untoyou inWordonly, but alfo in,nfikyr ; why our Gojpel ? whydothhe call it their Gofpel