c.i gindwatiodofOrdinances. would have ust)eleeve , and caft our fouls upon Jefus Chrift and love him; but faith the foul, I cannot beleeve in Chrift, I cannot love him, yetthis I will do,Lord, I am in parly with Satanupon fuch and fuch terms, I Will knock off with him, this being done, is a hearing of the Lord Jefus Chrift this great Prophet,and it is an effe&ual hearing too. Thus we are to hear this great Prophet, and thus you have heard that are to hear him, and how ye are to hearken to him. What now remains,but that you up and be doing ? Whofoever you are that hear the Word of the Lord this day, either you are godly, or you are ungodly If you be ungodly, Hear and your fouls fhall live. Hear this great Prophet and your fouls fhall live. Ifyou be godly, hear this Prophet, for faith he, MyAll hear my voyce, and they followme. It was the fpeech of that holy eminent perfon, Mr Brightman, If Chrift be not your Prophet, he fhall never be your Prieft; If Chrift may not be your Prophet to teach you,guide you, and dire you, he fhall never be your Prieft to fatisfie Gods wrath for you. Now therefore, as you defire that the Lord Jefus Should be your Prieft, to fatisfie the wrath of God for you . Oh I let him be your Prophet, hearken to this Prophet, to his Inflitu- tions, Appointments, and keep clofe to them. And to,end all, Take but one Scriptural encouragement, It is at the 48. chap. of /fii. verf. I 7. Thn,s faith the Lord thy re- deemer, the holyOne of Ifrael, (this is Chrift) Iam the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, Which leadeth thee by the way that thoufhouldefl ge. Chrift is our teacher. I but we have many teachers ; Oh ! that I could meet with that teacher once, that could teach me to profit by all that I have heard : So Chrill teacheth, Thus faith'the Lordthy redeemer, the holy One of Ifrael,1am the Lord thy GodWhickteacheth thee to profit-, Which leadeth thee by the Way' that thou fbouldeggo. Well, but what is my, cluty then ? Your duty IS to hear Him ; the 18. verf. Oh that thou hadfl. hearkned untomy commaements, but what good fhall I get thereby ? then had thypeace been (14 a river, not as a drop of water in a glaffe, that is foon dried up ;- in a River there is much water,and in a River you know there