39 To the Right Honorable, Thomas Andrews, Lord.Major of the City of L o ND oN: With the Aldermen his Brethren. ACcording toyour Command, I haveprefented thefe Notes toyour rview, 1.)3hicbv,ere once deliveredunto your ear andheart ; I have joynedanother Sermon therewith, pleading for our fubmifsion to (-brill in the nay ofhis Ordinances,the Argument of the one is a friend to the other, Stant- que caduntque fimul : Thefweet enjoyment of Ordinances together, is a great help to our love; we can hardly cool in our love to one, but 'The fbal abate in our love to the other; fwelling Gifts dejpife Ordinan ces,e7negleEl Love: ThisSermon tberfo'reofGrace, Love,- Gifts,s to cal uponour Gifts,that they take not thehall ofour Graces ;the otber SermonofOrdi= nances is to cal upon ourGraces tofubmit unto Chris Appointments'; for Gifts thrive,beft.11)ben they live under Grace, _:--. Grace thrives befh)hen it lives un, der Ordinances, Now thegirdle ofall the Ordinances is the Lords day,1)2hich loth furroundand com=binde all the ref ; may itpleafe the Adagiftrate to be afriend . 0.,