40 to thisgood day, Chrift willfurely be a friend to him in an evil day : You cannot makepeoplefanaifie this day, for thehearts of are not inyour hands; but you may reftrain themmuch frompublickprophaning this day,for the 'Tongues , s&-' Feet ofmen are much inyour bands : Job islaid tofanaifie his Job- becaufe be commanded them tofanaifie them,. felves,ufed at meansfor theirfanEtification,&pray, edfor them: So,though the Magiftrate cannotfanFti, fie thepeople (is to the infufion ofGrace, yet by his prayers andgracious. endeavors of love, mixedwith jOmepower, eis jufi occafion,requires, he alfa may be faid tofannifie them : The Magiftrate is thepeoples Father, and thepeoplearetheMagifirates Children: Now therfore,cis it Ivasfaid ofJob,(5- his Children, Jo let it bela-id ofyou,andyour ebildren,in thegenera_ tions to come, And-it was fo,that when the days oftheir feafting, or rather'porting, were come, (forfo theLords days have bin too trulycalled oflate) the Magiftratefent andfanaified them : Thus ihal our decayed love to God, his Trutb, his Ordinances, and his Children,revive,and be advanced again: And thtis'ball the blefs' ng of the bottle ofObed-Edorn Ovho received theArk ) ref' uponyou, andyourfa, rvzilies,which'ball be the Prayer of Your gervant in the work of the Gofpel, Yarmouth, Stpt.ic.1649, 'William Bridge.