Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

graceand Lovebeyondgifis. beginningof this Chapter, That they are all from the Spirit; There are diverfities of Gifts (at the 4Verfe,) but thefame Spirit : There are differences ofadminifIrations, but the fame Lord : (At the 8 Verfe ) To one is given by the Spirit, the word of Pvitdome ; to another the word ofKnottlecige, by thefame' Spirit ; to another Faith, by thefame Spirit. And concerning the end for which they were appointed , he tels them at the feventh Vale, That they are given to profit withal, But the miniftration of the Spirit isgiven to every man to profit Withal. Now both the excellency of Gifts, and the end, for which they were appointed,he doth illufirate by a fimilitude drawn from the natural body, That as in the natural body there are many members, and thofe,having feveral gifts, are helpful to one another ; and the Eye cannot fay unto the Foot, I have no need of thee : fo in the body ofChrifl, all members,with their feveral gifts, are to be helpful to one another, and one member of Chrift cannot fay to the other, I have no need of thee : For at the z6 Verfe, Whether one member fullers, all the members Duffers With it ; or one member be honored , all the members rejoyceWith it : Now, at the 27 Verfe, faith he, r are the body ofChrift, and members inparticular. But how do thefe members come, or attain unto thefe gifts ? Verfe 28. God bath fet fame inthe Church, firft Apoftles, fecondly Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that Miracles, then Gifts of healing : But have all men thefe gifts ? No. Are all Apofiles ? ( at the 29 Verfe, ) are all Prophets ? are all Teachers ? are all Workers of Miracles ? Have all the gifts of Healing, &c. But maywe not all defire gifts then ? Yes. But covet earneft- ly the beft gifts : and yet IAAA., untoyou a more excellent way. What way is that ? If you look into this 12 Chapter, it is the wayof humility, Graceand Holinefs : ifyou look down in- to the 13 Chapter, it is the way of Love ; For,faith he,in the firft Verfe, Though I jpeakwith the tongue of men and Angels, and have not Love I am become asfoundingbraf s, or a tinkling Cymbal. So then take the words as they look upwards and dewnwards,relating unto al the former parts of the 12, Chap. and unto Chap,' 3.& you have this Obfervation or Doarine, Though