Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

4. graceand Lovebeyond ifis. caufe that upon the Gentiles was alio powred out the Gift of the Holy ; in one verfe it is faid, They received the holy ghof; & in the next,they received the gift of the holy ghof1; For they heard themjpeak,with tongues and magnifying God.Then anfivered Peter, Can any manforbidwater, that there 'buildnor bejhaptized,Which have received the HolyGholl ? Yet notwith- ftandin.9, before it is faid, the gift of the holy gholl was powreS'eut upon them.So that here the gift of the holy ghoft is called, The Holy Ghofl. And fo I take that place in the 6th of the Hebrews to be underffood,concerningwicked men that do fall away; It is faid,Thy are made partakers of the holy ghoft. that is, the gifts of the holy ghoft ; for in thofe times the holy ghof} appeared by fenfible gifts,and it is ufual to put the fign, for the thing fignified ; but now, that thefe gifts should be railed up to fuch a title as this, to be called the holy OA it argues that there is a great deal of excellency in thefe gifts ; in fpiritual gifts. 21y, They are the Purchafe ofChrifl, the Fruits of his Af- cenfion, fome of thofe Talents which that great Lord left tin- to his Servants, when he went into a far Conntry, they are better thenall gold and flyer in the world ;,, for if you had all the gold and flyer of both Indies, you had but natural gifts, but thefe gifts are fpiritual. 31y, It is an Excellent Thing for a man to be able to do good to others, this is the end of gifts ; they are, as the Schools fpeak, in ordine ad aliam ' they are given for others good ; they are to profit with, faith the Apoftle. The Sun is an excellent creature, why ? Becaufe he doth good to others; fo, many are, by thefe fpiritual gifts, enabled to do good to others, they are thofeveffels which grace and holinefs,being imbarqued in, is tranfported into others fouls : though there be excellent commodities in other Countries, yet,ifyou have' not (hipping to tranfport them, you are not the better for them ; therefore you fay there is a great ufe of fhipping, thereby fuch and fuch rare commodities are tranfported ; fo by thefe gifts, that grace and goodnefs that grows in one mans heart,is tranfported into anothers,carried into anothers foul