GraceandLove beyond if 47 fon loved : Love is not eafily provoked; the words rather to be read thus,is not eafily embittered, or is not fharp,doth not fpeak bitter language,Gifts and Parts will. Love thinks no evil, that follows, and at the 6 verfe, It rejoyceth not in iniquity, but re- joyceth in the truth. It rejoyceth not in iniquity, the word is, dchact, injuilice, It rejoyceth not in injuflice, but it cloth rejoyce With the truth,ov2/;tv,ifes A feAdact,fo the words are to be read, and that is thus, If a man be oppreff, Love cannot rejoyce in his oppreffion ; but if a man be freed and delivered fromhis oppreflion, & the truth heard & known, Love rejoyceth with fuck a man,when the truth is difcovered; it rejoiceth not in jullice,but rejoyceth with the truth,when that coins to light. Wel, but fuppofe all this, yet notwithflanding a man may la- bor under fom finful infirmities,&c. what will Love do then ? Ver1.7.Lovebeareth all things, but the words fhould be other- wife tranflated, for as you read them, Love bearethall things, what difference wil there be between that claufe,and the lat- ter of that verf. endureth all things, it bears all things,d-c? here is no difference ; the words therefore fhould be read thus, It covereth all things, fo the Greek word, si-ym, fignifies properly to cover, it is the fame word that is ufed ordinarily in the newTeftarnent to that purpofe,Mark.,z.4.They uncovered the roof of the houfe,&c.the roof,or the covering,is the fame word that is ufed here,and fo Love covereth al things; thoughmen have many infirmities, yet true Love will cover them all ; and it beleevethall things, tholigh a man have done that which is evil in it felf,- yet Love beleeves he had a good intention in the doing of it,for it beleeveth all things ; and though a man go very far in fin, yet if another have Love, he hopeth that God will bringhim back again , for Love hopeth all things, it covers all things, it beleevethall things ; it hopeth all things ; and if another do me wrong, ifI have Love, I (ball bear that too; for Love endureth all things ; but now will Gifts and Parts do thefe things ? furely no, Gifts and Parts will not bear all things, cover all things,beleeve all things,hope all things,en- dure all things ;I but Love dotti,and Love will,and therefore here's a greater excellency in the way of Love, then in the way -Vtiit et 5-iyn ita diftin- guuntur q14001 fed- (444 fit funma ediurn parsciyn Vero no- tat tabu- laturn s