Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

.0NICINIZONEIMMargte The great Gofpel-Myffery ofthe Saintscomfort andholinefh the I-3if h-Friell taking away he iniquities of the Foly things of Ccdspeople, in the 28. Chapter ofExcduc, 7 hat rhalt make a plat form ofJuregold(at the 36. verfe) andgrave upon it lil a thcingravings of aygnet, HOLMES 1.11\11 0 1 HE L OPID. Arid thou(halt put it on a blue lace, that it maybe :Tont he Ifrytre; upon the forefront of the .114ytre it fhall be. 1hen at the 38. verfe, And it fhall be on Aarons forehead (that is, the high-Prieft) that Aaronmay bear the iniquity ofthe holy things, which theChildren of IfraelJball ha&ow an all their holy guilts: andit fhall e alwatet upon hisfirehead, that they may be accepted before the Loret.1 hus taking away the ini- quity of their holy things. Fo it is Paid concerning our Saviour Chrift,in the 3. Chapter of21/a/achy, the 2, 3, & 4. verfes, Who may abide the day of his coming ? (plainly under- flood of Chrifi, as appears by the firft verf.) Then at the 3. Hefl allfit as a quer, andpurifer offilver ; and&f ha I1 pu- rifie the Sons of 1evi.aud/ urge them a gold andElver, that they may offer unto the Lord anoff eringin righteoufitefs'. Tbc!fhall the ofterings ofJudah and jerufalcm be plea/tat unto the Iord, a in the dayes of old. Then (hall their offerings be pleafant; When ? when he bath purg'd their facrifices, and their of- ferings. This in thedales of his Ile ill; and nowmuch more. This is the Second thing, that theLordChrift, our great HighPrieft doth in offering tap our Gifts unto Cod the Father, Betakes out the weeds. .3. Thirdly : Ashe tads away the iniquity of our holy things; So he obferves what good there is in any ofour Males, or Perfor- mances; and with that he mingles his own Prayers and Intereef- ens ; hit own Incenfe ; andprtfints all a one work mingled to- gether unto God the Father. This we have fo fully in the 8. Chapter ofthe Revelation, that I need nameno otherplace. Another Angel (at the3. verfe) flood at the Altar, having a goldenGenfer, and there wasgiven unto him much incenfe, that he fhouldoffer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden Altar, which was before the Throne. And thefmoAe (at the 4. ,verfe) of the incenfe which came with theprayers of the Saints, ,afielded up before God, out of the Angels band. Thistnufl needs