Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

grace andLovebeyondgfiT. ally, it canand it will occafionally. So you'l fay, grace it felf cloth, for a man may be proud of his grace, as well as he may be proud ofhisgifts. It is very true, I remember that fpeech of Mr Fox, Sometimes (laid he) Iget hurt by my graces,c'rfon- times Iget goodby my fins;for by my fins I am mademorehumble, and by mygrace I ammade more proud. It is true, occafionally a man may be proud of,and puffed up by his very graces,but there is yet that in true grace it felf that will fupprefs pride, grace being contrary to fin ; as for gifts, though they be di- verse from fin, yet they are not contrary unto fin, and fo can- not fupprefs fin, as grace can do that is contrary therunto: for one contrary cloth defiroy the other: I exprefs it thus,Aman may be proud of his clothes,andhe may be proud of his gra- ces, but there is not that in his clothes which wil fupprefs his pride; there is nothing in clothes that is contrary unto pride, but in grace there is: So a man may be proud of his gifts,and he may be proud of his graces, but there is not that in gifts that is fo contrary unto pride as there is in grace,there is that in grace that is directly contrary unto fin & pride ; I fay ther- fore, That pride & corruption cannot fo eafily plant &grow upon grace itlelf,as it can upon gifts,and. therefore there is a greater excellency in grace and the way of grace and holi- nefs,then in the way of gifts ; Though a man have never fo little grace, and have no gifts, yet he gives no offence, is not fcandalous ; but if a man haveall gifts, and have no grace, how many offences doth he fall into ? and how fcandalous is he ? let experience fpeak. 3 But again thirdly, Thougha manhave never fuch great parts and gifts, yet, ifhe have'not grace withal; he may go to hell,and perifh to al eternity,for by his gifts he is not united unto Jefus Chat, forby his gifts he is not made the child of God,or by his gifts he is not eftated in the covenant of grace; you knowwhat our Savior faith, Many fball fay in that deiy, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy Name, and caft out Devils in thy Name,d- have dome many Wonderful workf? (thefe are the effeds of gifts, ) and- he shall ray unto them , De- part, I knowyou nor : But faith the Apoftleconcerning Grace and 49