grace andLove beyond gif ts 55 z. Or,wil you complain for want of that,which ifyou had withoct grace,would be your undoing?TheHeathens tel us a Fable cOcerning a man who defired that al that ever he toucht might be gold,&,fay they,it was granted to him by the gods; when therefore he came to eat his meat, he touched it, fo his meatwas turned to gold,& fo the manwas flarved; The Mo- ral of it is this, That many a man would be utterly undon, if he had that which he moft defires: & let me tel you this,Had you al gifts & golden parts, yet, if you hadnot grace withal, you would defire that al that ever you should touch might be gold,you would turn al into gifts,and matter of parts,and foyour own Soul would be undon and flarved by it. Or, wil you complain for want of that,which, ifyou have, may aggravateyour Condemnation; but, if you want,cannot hinder your Salvation? Pray confider it, Wil you(I fay)com- plain for want ofthat,which,if you have,may aggravateyour Condemnation; but, ifyou want, can newer hinder your Sal- vation? Ifyou have gifts, they may aggravate your Condem- nition ; but if youhave them not,your wantingof them Thal never hinder your Salvation : Shal I then complain for want of them ? Yet thus ( I fay) thus it is with you that complain for want of gifts ; Hath not the Lord therfore led you in the way of gifts ? and bath he led you'in the way of grace ? be of good comfort : Comfort, comfort, comfort, to al thofe that are weak in gifts, but have truth of grace. Only here give me leave to lay before you fame few Direaions, whe- theryou have gifts or no. Firfi, Either you have gifts,or not ; if that you have gifts, then you are called to doing good; ifyou have not gifts,then you are called to receiving good, for al a mans life fhould be fpent either in doinggood,or receiving ; If a man-have gifts, then he is called to doing ; if a man have no gifts, then he is called to receiving : Have you gifts ? therefore know,you are called to doing ; Have you no gifts ? know, you are called the more to receiving. zly, And either you have gifts, or not ; If you have gifts, take heed you do not defpife diofe that have none ; and if