Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Objet7. pliet, and have the gift of a Prophet, though I have gifts of Miracles, yet notwithhanding if I want Love, al is nothing : Thefe were great and highgifts, the high&gifts, and yet al nothing without Love : And area! thefe gifts as nothing, fpi- ritual gifts nothing without Love? Apoflolical gifts,and Pro- phetical gifts, and Miractilous gifts, area! thefe gifts nothing without Love ?OLord,what are my poor minnum gifts then without Love ? my gifts either in Preaching,or in Praying,or inConference ? Ah! what poor fbrubs are my gifts then?how are they much more nothing without Love? and yet howma- nyhave thefe timesbrought forth that hunt much after gifts, and the exercife of their gifts,and are firangers to the way of Love ? I had almofl faid, they are out of love with this grace of Love : but ifwe look into the fecond Chap. of the firfl of 7ohn, we find a Scripture that may make al of us to take heed howwe walk up and down without Love, verf. o. He that lo- veth h15 brother; abideth in the light, and there is no occafionof Rumbling in him Though there be much (tumbling abroad, yet if a man love his brother, though he have many failings, and fome od opinions,yet ifhe love his brother,he abideth in the light and there isnone occafion offlumblingin him: But (faith he, v.i ) He that hateth his brother, is in darknefs, and he walks in darkneff,and he knots not whither hegoes: He thinks he is going to Heaven,and he is going to Hell ; he thinks he is goingon in a way of zeal,but alaffe,poor man,he walks up and down in darkneffe,he knows not whither he goeth;who- foever walks in this way ofhatred,or want of Love, he walks in darkneffe, andhe knows not whither he goes; But I need not fay no more : The Apofile Lere tels us, That the way of Love is an.excellent way, the moreexcellent way,and moft to be defired: Now therefore,Oh that our Love might abound ! Oh that our Love, that is much declined in thefe days, might 1.-ecovered! Oh that our,Love might abound towards one an=Aher, & towards al.the Saints ! Oh that there were love, and peace, and reconciliation yet among Profeffors ! Bat iLouhfucha man bea profeffor,it may be he is notgoellygea I do not think is godly,andWhy AmidI love him then ? You