graceand Lovebeyondgifts. You knowwhat our Savior faith concerning, the Father, He dinfW° maketh his Sun to Ain( upon the goodand bad ; and I pray is it not ufual with deceitful hearts, fait to degrade a godly man into ungodlynefs, that fo they may have room to hate him ? There is a great deal of difference between the affeaion of a prophane man, and of an Hypocrit ; a prophane man makes nothing to profefs that he hates, and that he doth not love, fuch a man that is godly, and that he hates him becaufe he is pureand holy; but now an hypocrite knows in his confcience that he muff not hate a man that is godly: What then? Ther- fore, that he maymake room to hate him, he will firfl make him ungodly ; firft he will degrade him, and make him un- godly, that fo he may have room to hate him ; as now, if have a mind to love one, & to be intimate with him, his con- fcience tels him, that he mull not walk with, or be intimate with them that are wicked ; therfore firfl he will make a .man godly, that fo he may have room to love him ; & fo if aman be godly,he will firfl make him ungodly,that fo.he may have room to hate him : Take heedof this deceit of heart; you fay fuch a one is not godly, take heed of this deceit., But fuppofe he be Godly, yet notwithflanding he is of a diffe- rent judgment from me,he is not ofthe fame opinion With ,nie, and Aould 1 love him then ? Iconfefs it is hard to do it, and we fhould al pray that we might be of the fame mind ; yet where, I pray do you find in al the Scripture, that the Lord doth make Onenefs of Judgment to be the only rule and mafure of Love ? Where cloth the Lord fay in any place in Scripture, That Onenefs of Judgment Thal be the only meafureof our love to one ano. ther ? Doth a father fay unto his child, Child, love your brother, becaufe 'leis of the fame growth with you ? No, but ( my children) love one another, for ye are brethren : So the Lord doth not fay, My children, love one another, be- caufe you'are of the faille growth, and the fame pitch ; but love one another, for you are brethren. I, butfuppofe that a mandoth me wrong,ftirs andprovokes me, and that be bathfirft made thebreach, fhould Hove him then ? I Yes, Objet!. finfw. Objeff.