: grace ay .0 rs. ye3,eir2 there were no labor - ,ve. not n ful to forget your la!),-)r n7!Love 'ere - n Un,your Love were _1' _W )r.::7 c ; tnat rau O is a faith worthy ofGod that i'L.:ps over di cies, and that Love is a Love worthy ofGo i tint fleps over provocations : You fee how it is with a gla13 that f.aath iweet licrior in it, the more you Pei; that glafs, the more favory tweet f-nel it fends forth; come indeed to a 0:Xs that bath filthy & tinlavory liquor in it,& the mot e you flue it, the worfe it frine13. Art thou provo- ked? & art thou flirted? ifthere be fweetl.;.quor in you,grace and patience within vou,the more you are flirred,& the more you are provOked,the fwee..er you wil tmel ; but if there be a froward fpirit and a froward. difpofition, if there be filthy li- quor With in,tfien in&ed themore you:- are airred,& the more you are provoked, the worfe you ffnel : And whereas you fpeak of his lira making the breach upon Love, I pray look upon that of the fec one! of the Kings, Chap. 6. you fhal find there with what bloody intentions the King of Syriacame to Dothan for to ta:e_ Eliiba, at the verf: Therefore fent he ,thither Horfes and Chariots, and agreat Hag,' and came by right, andcompaffed the City. EliJha goes forth unto them, at the 19. verfe, and he fa.id, This is not the Way, neither is this the City l . followme,and I will bring you to the man Whom yereek,- But he le[them to Samaria. Whenihey were come into Samaria, - , at verf. 20, the Lord opened their eyes : !Ind the King ofIfrael Paid (at the21.verf. ) unto Elifha when hefaro them, My father, .1bal Ifinite them ? floal firraite them ? He AnfWered,Thou Aalt not,finite them ; Wouldcft thou [mite th"ofe Whom thou-kali' taken Capti:be with thy SWord,andvoitii thy Bow ? fet bread and Water. bcfore them, that they M.,9' eat anddrink, andgo to their Alafter: So he preparedgreat provitions for them, d- when they hadeat and drunk he fent them away, and they Went to their Mager ; fo the Rands of Syria canse no more into the Land of Ifrael.' .Mark the iffue,the Syrian.: came out 'ruff,' were the firfi that made the 'breach ; wel, / adVantage upon them, and the King of If raels firers did itch at them, to be fmiting of them, but Elk/ha would not have it fo, but infteacl bifipiting, he would have: