Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

have kindneffe fhewen unto them ; and pray, what was the effect thereof? having let bread and Water before them, and refrefhed them with thole proviEons, they went away, jo the Bands ofSyria came no more into the Land of Lrracl. I have read of two famous Philofophers that were at great variance, the one an elderly man, the other yonger, the elder conies unto the yonger with a motion of peace, and the yonger willingly embraced it ; peace being made,Wel, faith the elder,remem ber that though I were the eider,yet I come to you,and I firft offered peace; True, (faith the yonger unto him again) I ac- knowledge it, and I Thal upon this account for ever account you the more worthy man, becaufe though I was the firft that did make the ftrife, you were the rid} that did make the peace. And that Heathens do thus, and Thal not we, Chrifii- ans, go beyond them, or do the fame ? I, but there is time for al things ; there was a time indeed for Love, and for men to be reconciled, bat now things are grown to that height, & to that pars,that it is now too late to talk of Love,and of Reconciliation ; we confefs,that the way ofLove is the more excellent way, and there was a time in- deed to have been reconciled, but now it is al too late. Wel then,if it be too late, give me leave to entreat one thing at your hands,& that is this,Pfay, if it be too late,& you fay, it is too late to be reconciled,and tove.one another,let me en- treat this,That vou would al lay aideyour garments,thegar- ments of your profeflion of beingChriffsDifciples,forourSa- vior faith, By this foal men know thatye aremy Difciples, ifye love one another ; and therefore if ithe too lace for to love one- another, and to be recOnciled,' come and let us lay down our garments,let us lay down our prefealon ofbeing theDifcipls of Chrift;yea,let us lay down our expeilation of heaven too, for faith the Apofile, Flefh and Blond cannot inherit the _King- dom of God: And is not paffion,malice,andwant of love, flefh and bloud ? Certainly, certainly,if i do not walk in this way of Love, it is not al my parts, & ai my, gifts, that wil bail me from the arreft of that Scripte re, 1-7[P; blondla:1not inherit the kingdom ofheawn:1 have read or heard 'of a certainCham- I 2 plan