Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

graceand Lovebeyondgifts. pian that challenged a Duel, two Armies being come near to one another,one comes forth out of one Army, and challen- geth to fight hand to hand with any one of the other Army; at tall there Reps forth a man for to meet him, & they being there to fight, and many of both Armies gotten round to,be= hold and feewhat would becomeof it, who mould fal, and who fhould ftand ; at laff faith one of the two, Who are you for ? faith the other, Sir, I am for von', and' I am come forth to lave your life ; Why ( faid he) fhould we ( like fools ) kil one another,to make tort for thefe beholders ? fo they threw down their weapon's, and embraced one another, and fo par- ted withlove, to the admiration of al that did behold them. Now beloved ,things-are grown to a great height, and there is too much diffention-amongft-Profeffors, and al men are up- on the tip-toe at this time, to fee who fhalfal, and who Thal fland : But now after al our animofities, if we could ftep in to one another,& embrace one another, liowwould this glo- rifie God,&.rnake Religion glorious in the eyes of theworld ?. Ohwhy fhould we that are Profeffors kil, wound, or abufe - one another, to make fport for our common enemies that be- hold us ? Beleeve it, beleeve it,it is not too late, it is not too late to love'one another ; is not too late' 'for me to do my workias lOngas it is not too late to receive mywages; and ifI fay, it is too late to be reconciled; what if Godlayto me then, It is too latefor mySoul to befaved ? What thin .IVal we docthat-We onay-getinto this acellent way of L'ove ? 111121 only lay before you, two or three direehons ; Two or three things I conceive there are; that yet would make a reconciliation,and repair love amongus, that would recover, and recruit our love that is much declined. The firft, is anE- vangelical Gofpel Spirit or difpofition'; a legal difpofition, is a fretful. froward,firy difpofition ; but a Gofpel difpofition,' is-like the Gofpel, finooth, gentleilovingand fweet we read" of ribrabare,That hi Itext'in to Hagar, andhe had a child, Ifli- mad, by her; he Went in to Saralic'and he hada child by her,1faa-c; and thefe tWO Mothers, Hagar, and Sarah, the Apo.' Ile tells rks, ( Gal.