graceandLovebeyond gif ts ( Gal. 4.) were types of the LaW, and of the Gof : after A- braham had gone in to Hagar, and the Child. of Hagar wel grown, there was no peace in the Family, though it were Abrahams Family. And as Abraham then did go in to Hagar, fo now, the Children of Abraham do too much go in toHagar, the Law ; And as Luther Paid, Cain femper ,accidir Patrem ad finen; msindi ; Cain wil be alp ayes killing of his brother Abel, til the worlds end. So fay I, Abraham wil be alwayes going in to Hagar, til Chrift come again. I mean the Children of Abraham wil be alwayes going in to the Law, and to Hagar. And what's the reafon I pray , that there are fo many divifions, and diffentions now among us; and fo little love, but becaufe the Children of Abraham gofo much in to Hagar : I dare boldly fay, It is not fo much diverlityof Judgment, that maketh thefe diffentions, as it is the legallity ofour difpofitions ; for though your Judge- ments were very different and removed one fromanother,yet if your Spirits were Evangelical, you would love one ano- ther ; and though your Judgments were all of a piece, yet if one were of a Legal difpofition,and the other of an Evangeli- cal difpofition, there would be want of love fill, ftilLhere would be divifions : now therefore whenfoever you find di- vifions begin to ftir,or want of love ; then go toGod and be- feech the Lord faying, Oh, Lord, deliver me from a Legal difpofition ; Oh,Lord,beftow upon-rne a Gofpel di fpofition. And again ; Secondly, a true and real fenfe of the Name of God, & howgreatly the Name of Chrift &God the Father, doth tidier by the divifions of ProfeffOrs, and their want of love, wil recruit & recoverour love ; we are very fenfible of our own names,the fufferings of our own names,but were we as fenfible of the fuffering- of Gods Name, certainly there would not be fuchwant of love amongft us. Luther faid in his time, TheThief wrongs one, the Aulterer Wrongs two, the Slan- derer wrongs three, but I thinkfour ; hirnfelr, the perlon doled, the by gander, and the precious Name of God : You have heard, it's likely, of the Parable ofthe Stomach, there was a great varience fomtimes fel out at Rome,betweenthe People, and