Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

raceand Love beyondCTI fts . . and theSenate C info much that the people banded.together,to the hazard of the ornmon-wealth : The Senate to quietthe peopie,fent a certain eloquent martarpongf.h.-theth ; and when he carne.amongft theiri, he propoundedthem this Parable ; faith he, upon a:time the 1VIernbers of. the'Body were at va- fiance with the Stomach, becaufe the'Stomach.devoured al the meat, and lay 1E11, was idle, and did not work, and al the other Members of the Body wrought hard, and forely for their living ; whereupon they al combined againfl the Stomachcand the Eye would not fee no more for it, and the Handwould work no more fof it, and the Feet would walk nomore for it, and the Teeth would chew no more for it, and other members refufedfor to do theiroffice, wherupon the whole Body was weak, the Eye began to wax dim, the Hand began to wax weak, the Feet-began to be feeble, and ' al the Members began to be weak, and the whole Body for to wither. So'.here,now in thefe days ofours ; one man he thinks he is wronged., and he withholds his influence and his love; and another man he thinks he is wrongod,and he with- holds-his influence and his love ; and another man he thinks he is wronged, and he withholds his influence and his love ; and fo in fine, al the Members are wea.kned , and the whole Body of the Common-wealth weakned ; yea, and the body of Chrillianity wea-kned, &the name of Chrifl, the precious name of Chrifi, that fuers much :- You that are a Profeffor, you ftrike at me, & I that am a profeffor,I firike at you ; but I pray, where fals the blow ? the blow fals upon the name of Chrift,the blow fals upon the:.name of God; have I done you wrong ? I pray, what wrong bath the name of Chrift done vou ? Lath not Chrifi fuffere.d enough for us, but fhal his precious name fufier more by Us ? Mofes was a man (you know) tender of the name of God, What fhalbecOme of thy great. name ? In Af4lacbies time, it was the Charader of a Man fearing GOtl That h thought upon the nameofGod. Solo- Pm:n.411 thei'fr-0. 4-b.r. faith:2'71,e name ofthe Lord is 4firomg. the righteow t7; thert-wnto,and, are lafe. Now then, as ever you d efireT [hat the, name of the Lord filould be a refuge and a ffielter :3, 4.