ti ,C7 e (i.bejoild.(y Inciter to ,ou in the evil day : Oh, render of the name of God, and P.-v, the nrt,r.vou ( that are Profef- fors ) are Of the precious nani-of God, and the more fenfe' you have of the fufferings of Gods name, the more you wil lay down your weapons one a gainfh another, and the more you'd let your felves for to love one,another, And would you love one another now, as you have loved before ? then do as you halve done before. I have fPmathat againfi thee c faith Chriff to the Church of Ephefiy) thou haft left thy firli Love : But wouldfl thou be recovered ? Remem- ber 1,;'orn It hence thou artfallen,and repent, and do thy fell works. I with I might not fay, That Chriff bath a fomewhat againft us, even this, That in thefe dayes of ours we have loll out former Love; Love unto one another : But would we be re- covered ? rectal:fled ? Oh let us remember from whencewe are fallen, repent and bewail our divifious, declinings in Love, and do our firft works : What are thole ? Times were heretofore , when you ( that are of different Judgments now ) would have met together, prayed together, yea, fa- iled, prayed, and have wept together : So let usdo again ; we meet now, and difpute together ; we meet now, and we wrangle together; but we Thal never difputelour felves into Love : If we would love one another now, 4 we have done before, then let us do as we did before, meet,' and pray to- gether, as before. The living nth fwims agiinft the fiream, the dead fifh is carried down with the tide ; fo a living Chriflian fwims arcainfl the tide of the times ; a dead Profeffor is carried down with al ; an which way doth the ftream& tideof thefe times run,but againft Love ? great oppofitions that are made to Love. Now then,as we defire to be counted living Chrifbans, let us make it our work and bu- finefs to heal,and reconcile things : 'Tis in regard of Graces,', as in regard of Ordinances when any Ordinance Of God is decryed, then it is our duty, and we are called to it, for to cry it up: fo when any one grace is oppofed, then is our time; and then are we called to advance it moil.And When ever was this grace ofLove among Profeffors fo much oppofed as it is now.?