Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

graceandLovebeyondgifts. now ? Now therfore (ifever) is our duty to abound inLove, and to walk in this excellent way. But you defire gifts, yea, and your gifts are great ; I know where I fpeak,in this great and famous City of Lendon,where gifts and parts grow alone, even in your ftreets ; yet let me tel you this, though you, or I, fhould have al gifts and parts, yet ifwe want Love we should be but as founding braffe,and as a tinkling Cymbal; But you defire gifts, the gift of Tea- ching, Exercifing, that ye may be able to do good to others, and you do wet therein, for theway of gifts is an excellent way ; Oh ! but the way of Love is a more excellent way : You, defire gifts, the gift ofPrayer, the gift of Conference, that you may fpeak a word in feafon unto them you that meet with, and you do wet therein, for this way ofgifts is an excellent way, yet faith the Apollle, BeholdIAA,youa more excellent way : As for al our gifts and parts, they wil leave us whenwe muff go in to our Father : Do ye therefore any of you dente gifts Defire them nil]; yea, covet earneflly the 14 gifts : Butyet fhew Iyou (faith the Apollle) a more excellent Way ; and ye have heard what that way is In general, the way ofGrace, Holinefs, andofthe power of Godlinefs ; In particular,the way ofLove. Now the God ofpeace, that brought again from the dead the Lord Wm, that great Shepherd of our Souls, through the blood (f the everlafting Covenant, make you ptrferl in this great workof Love, working in you that whichU. wellpleafing in hisfight, through ?elms Chrift, to Whom beglory for ever,andever. Amen. F I ACI S.