48 Thegreat,Gorpel-MYNEY of the Saimucomfort andboline.g: by the blood of Chrift, and before Chrift had died. So then, God the Father laved them upon Chrifts bare word, That he would come into the world, and die for them. What a mighty Trutt was here? That fo many hundred thoufand fouls fhouldbe laved, upon abarewordofChrift That he would come into theworld, and. die for them af- terward. Again; The,Trull appears in this: That he was made when he did come into the world, the great Lord-Treafu- rerof all theGrace, and. Comfort, that fhould begiven out unto the children of men. When Pharaoh trailed 7ofeph, all the whole kingdom was put into his hand, with the Corn thereof, andnot a grainwas to be given out to any but as jofepb gave it out : which argued a mighty Tract. Sonow, Thatnot any Grace, or Comfort, given out to the children ofmen, but only by the_hand of Chrift, it argues a mighty Trutt that the Father put upon him. But yet further, When our Lordand Saviour Chrift di- 3 ed, and afcended unto God theFather to Heaven ; as foon as ever, he came into Heaven, faith the Father to him, Thou bail nowinfered, Akofme, ands-will give thee the Heathenfor thine inheritance, and the uttermoilparts ofthe earth for thypoSef- "ion : all the world at one word. Aske ofme (faith he) and at the firfi word I will give thee the whole world. It was a 'mighty, anda great Trutt that the Father did put upor um. Y-a, as if all this were not enough; The Father did put thekeyes ofHeaven, andof Hell into his hand : the keyes of Heaven and Hell into thehand ofChrift . So we reade in:the x. ofRevel. i 8. ver. I am he that liveth, and mu dead: andbehold, Iam alivefor evermore, Amen; and have the. Wes ofHeld and ofdeath, There's no man that gods toHell, but he is lok't in by JelinChrifi : And there's no man goes toHeaven, but Chrift bath the keyes of Heavens and he locks him in there unto all. Eternity. The Lord Quilt, he !lath the keyesof and offiea.ett,,, hat,' th.)ceY.Ss of a men$Eternitieshanging, t hisgirdIN Oh!? what